Yes, so Olympia is the heiress. She's a geek and a vegetarian, and she wants to be a Renaissance Sim. She's still a teen so no third trait yet. Austin was pretty much immediately removed from the house as fast as humanly possible. He's living with the Bro household in Windenburg because it made me laugh.
So that leaves these four in the house. Since Olympia is a teen, Roman is still the torchholder so he's the only one I'm controlling at the moment. Olympia, Miko, and Asia are up to their usual hijinks as a consequence.
What isn't usual is Miko helping a child with homework for the first time in her life. Roman looks so surprised he might be about to choke on his pancakes.
Asia came down with an illness so she was taken off to the vet and we made sure to pick up some wellness treats while we were there.
She made a full recovery and was soon singing the song of her people to Roman while he wrote.
So I'm only a little ashamed to say this, but I do not let Austin in when he comes to knock on the door and he's not a keyholder. Mean sims can be rather destructive and disruptive, as I know from having them in both The Allen Invasion (Sasha) and The Gregory Legacy (Faye), so if I don't have to have him around, I'd rather not. That's not to say we've totally abandoned this first son of this ISBI, however. He will make another appearance in this chapter.
Georgia invited her sister out to celebrate, so I brought Roman along to make sure things didn't get too crazy. And they didn't. Georgia immediately took off as soon as I unpaused. Sigh, I hate that bug.
So instead I decided to look for potential spouse material for our girl Olympia,, but everyone in the bar was a woman and/or married, neither of which are Olympia's type.
Perhaps sensing any chance of a fun night out declining rapidly, Olympia resigned herself to doing homework, so I had Roman help. Some celebration. It is nice to see our future heiress being so responsible, though.
I'm less impressed when she decides to cook literally right at the same time Roman is serving up pancakes to feed them all the next morning, though.
A different kind of mourning is still a frequent activity in this household. It's getting to be rather annoying but I can't really fault them. Georgia was that amazing.
Olympia has boogied down enough that she's gotten her skill up enough to earn her A in high school. I think because she's not the torch holder yet when she did this, she still gets the points.
She's also making good progress on other skills too, but nothing really useful yet. I'm not sure what career I'll have her go into. I know she'll need to hop around a bit for her aspiration, but I'm not sure what she should settle into. I'll have to get to know her better.
And Miko's back at Georgia's gravestone. I know it's not like you were being useful anyway, Miko, but could you please find a more constructive use of your time?
Miko: "If you say so. If I can't grieve, then at least I can make macaroons. I'm sure it's what my daughter would have wanted. Me cooking. With the oven. By myself. And not even producing a meal. And now I'm going to leave it on the counter without eating it and wander away. Yes, I'm sure Georgia would be very proud."
Olympia also is suddenly into cooking a whole bunch. You'll get your chance, honey, I promise you. "Don't rush to grow up" takes on a whole new meaning in an ISBI.
Oh boy. I am thisclose to walling this off. Let's change our focus to someone that is making good decisions currently. Nanny Gandhi is visiting. I bet he's up to something constructive. Let's go see.

Uh, yup. Maybe we'll just leave him alone for now.
Georgia: "It just makes me so sad that she wastes her life mourning mine when she could be in here talking with me right now!"
Olympia: "I know, sis. At least we can catch up."
Georgia: "True. I'm so proud of you. I know you'll do great things."
Awwwww. This is getting way too sappy for an ISBI.
Everyone absolutely loves her, though, and even though Miko doesn't make much of an effort, her appearances are appreciated by Roman, Olympia, and me.
Asia is sick again and looking pretty dang gross. Roman fed her a wellness treat and she got better.
To thank us for taking care of her, she decided to run away.
Sad ghost gnome: "What a mistreated kitty!"
Business gnome: "Here, hon, I packed you a trunk. Get away from these jerks while you can."
She has everything she wants and she just got cured of illness! Argh.
She came back later that day, went into the bedroom, and immediately passed away from old age.
Roman was in bed and was the only one there to see her off. He had been especially close with Asia so it was very sad, but I'm glad he could be there with her in her final moments.
And so Asia joined Georgia in our little graveyard.
I guess I can't fault him when his daughter is still pretty recently dead and now his cat passed too.
Life goes on, though, so Roman keeps publishing books. While he's alive, this will help greatly with our finances. They're steadily creeping up.
I decided I would document my torch holders "handing off the torch" for our documentation points. Thus, on Olympia's birthday, I had these two running around the house taking selfies to try to find good lighting. Although they're both in it, I'm counting this as the immortalization of Roman, and Olympia's will be when she takes a pic with the sim succeeding her.
It's a little overexposed, but the selfie turns out great and Roman is now memorialized. It cracks me up the size of that picture compared to Georgia's portrait. No, I don't play favorites. What would make you think that?
And then it was time for Olympia's birthday. You better believe I made sure she wasn't experiencing any dangerous moodlets! She grows to be a glutton, which strikes me as a funny trait in combination with vegetarian, but okay, whatever. She looks great, of course.
I'm taking points for randomizing every trait for this generation and not using any NTH's reward points. And because Olympia got her responsibility and manners in range before I knew she would be the torch holder, I'm taking those points too. Just try to stop me. This is turning out to be a very lucrative chapter, points-wise, so I'm sure something will go wrong pretty soon!
Because Island Living was new, I rewarded Olympia with her first foray as torch holder (and thus in my control finally) being a trip to Sulani. She looks adorable, doesn't she? Let's see what kind of mischief we can get into.
Besides exploring the beach and doing some fun activities, I had Olympia there primarily to husband hunt. Her knack for sussing out married men continues, but now she can give them a polite introduction!
After striking out quite a bit, she took a moment to sunbathe. Believe it or not, this is actually her most exposed outfit. I guess she's a bit of a conservative dresser. I'm not sure I would want those tan lines, however.
I really wasn't finding any good marriage material and I was kind of toying around with pursuing this woman despite me initially looking for a man, but she had really terrible traits. I decided to look around one more time before we went back to the home lot, defeated. And that, dear readers, is when we saw him...
He's so stupid and I hate him so much already. We have to have him. That mustache. Sleeping on a pink float in the ocean without a care. The short shorts. The mustache. I know nothing about this man except that he was born to marry into an ISBI.
Mustache: "Nice to meet you, Olympia. My name is Aleki Faamoana. I'm known around these parts for irresponsible napping and my strong mustache game."
Olympia: "I have quite an opportunity I'd like to offer you, sir. You seem just stupid enough to accept.
Aleki: "Thanks!"
They got along like a house on fire, though perhaps it's bad luck to use that idiom in an ISBI. Anyway, these two were trading flirts by nightfall in the most awkward, neck-straining way possible.
We learned that Aleki is also a vegetarian, and is good and lazy besides. Even if I weren't dead-set on him just for his choices in facial hair, I think this is a very good personality to be a match with Olympia, so the deal is all but sealed.
Aleki: "You're the sea star of my tidepool."
Olympia: "You're the clownfish to my stinging anemone, and I mean that pretty literally. At least the clown part."
Aleki: "Aww! So sweet. I know with a pearl like you, I'll never clam up with these compliments."
Random lady: "I don't know what kind of beachy keen tomfoolery I just walked into, but I want out."
Then, in a moonless night so dark you can't even really see, Aleki and Olympia shared their first kiss. Olympia was getting tired, though, so they resolved to pick up where they left off the next day.
Only Aleki couldn't wait and asked her out for dinner as soon as she got home. Or perhaps he just can't tell time and thought it was tomorrow. That seems pretty likely for a guy that would wear the eyeball ring voluntarily. Anyway, they stopped in to a diner for a late vegetarian dinner and were right back to flirting.
As their butternut squash soup and baked potato (hold the bacon bits) were dropped off, things were getting quite steamy.
Aleki: "Hey, where'd my potato go? It was just here before we kissed!"
Red vest guy: "Hey, swiper no swiping, lady."
Red shirt lady: "You kiss, you miss."
Red vest: "Well it rhymes, so it must be true."
Thanks. I'm so glad we paid for that potato. Not much, mind you, but it's the thought that counts.
After the date, Olympia finally got to go to bed in the early morning, and she had a nice orange plumbob to show for it, but she had an absolutely fantastic day meeting people, playing at the beach, and meeting the mustachioed buffoon of her dreams. Worth it.
So far Roman seems to be taking to not being controlled pretty well. He and Miko managed not to burn the house down while we were gone or while Olympia was sleeping, though by the looks of Miko's bottom lip, there was probably a lot of unnecessary mourning going on.
Because her outfits are so covered up for the most part, this shoulder strap is the one place Olympia got a tanline that you can see. Her swimsuit is a cover-up dress over a bikini, so it actually covers more than that romper. I find that really funny.
Olympia: "Mom, Dad, if you could come up for air for a moment, I'd like you to meet my boyfriend, Aleki."
Miko: "Right. I'm out. See you later."
Olympia: "Thanks for the support, Mom."
Roman: "Don't mind her, dear. You know she's always been that way. But besides that, a guy would have to be able to walk on air to be special enough for our baby."
Aleki: !!! "At last my chance has come!"
Aleki: "Right, sir. I can do that, sir."
Roman: "Amazing! How are you managing that?"
Aleki: "I don't believe in gravity, sir."
Olympia: "Oh yeah, I picked a good one."
Once Aleki made contact - with the floor, I should specify, not reality - Olympia invited him to move in and then it was straight to CAS for a makeover. You better believe that mustache was staying.
God, he is amazing. A real specimen of idiocy. I hate him so much. He's perfect.
Aleki has the Jungle Explorer aspiration, which, needless to say, will not be worked on at all. But I still gave him kind of an old English explorer vibe that fit with that and his facial hair choices. He's pretty cute all told.
Here's the full look. I feel like I won the ISBI spouse lottery with this guy because I feel a surge of affectionate loathing every time I look at him. I hope he causes so much trouble.
Oh yeah, he's going to fit in just fine.
Okay. It was funny the first three times, but after a full day of these two mourning the cat and Georgia - two sims that Aleki has never met, by the way - I was getting a little tired of it.
So I built a really, horrifically ugly mausoleum that would cruelly let them look at the urns but not mourn them. They still stood around lamenting the fact that they couldn't reach them, so I'm not sure I'm the winner in this scenario. Hmm.
Miko: "Oh, Georgia! If only I could behold you one more time. What I wouldn't give to spend time with you."
Georgia: "I just spent hours hanging out inside, Mom. Maybe if you'd joined us instead of whining about the mausoleum being in your way..."
Miko: "Sometimes it's almost like I can hear your voice! How sad. How unobtainable."
Georgia: "Well, the afterlife may be eternal, but so is my mother's denseness."
Georgia: "But just in case, I should probably mourn myself as a favor to her."
Once we got through that night, Aleki and Olympia traveled together to an empty beach lot near Mua Pel'am. I wanted them to check out the waterfall.
Didn't quite realize what a swim it would be from that lot, though. They were both pretty tired by the time they made it there. Aleki took the long way, of course.
Once there, their passion continued to be burning hot, even in the cool spray of the waterfall.
Guess we better give them some privacy. Let's instead admire this amazing texture work EA did on a nearby sandbar. Beautiful. Okay, I think they should be done by now. Let's go check back...
Oh my God! They woohooed so hard in the mystical waterfall they turned into frogs! The island curse strikes again!
Un-hexed, they returned home, where a chilly Olympia was very pleased to find out the waterfall woohoo had had its intended effect.
Olympia: "Babe, I'm preggers! We're going to be parents!"
Aleki: "Oh, Oly, you're such a trip! You know I haven't even planted the cabbage patch yet."
Olympia: "Yeah, okay, that makes sense. Feel free to change out of your swimsuit in this cold snap, by the way."
Aleki: "Oh, I thought I couldn't feel my toes because of how much I love you."
Olympia: "No, pretty sure that's frostbite."
Aleki: "Nah, temperature is just, like, a thing that Big Thermometer wants you to believe. I'll be fine."
Olympia: "This baby is going to be so smart."
With a bun in the oven and not a thought in her boyfriend's head, Olympia decides to take things to the next level and proposed to Aleki in the dark and foreboding backyard. Excellent atmosphere. Hey, they can't all be magical, tropical first woohoos.
Aleki: "Of course I'll marry you, silly! I just wish I could see the ring better. My fingers are in the way!"
Try...turning...your hand around?
Aleki: "Oh wow! That's amazing! There's multiple sides to this object. Whoa."
Olympia: "Hello, yes, I'd like to plan a beach wedding. What do you mean we couldn't get married on beach venues at this point? Well I guess just pick someone's house. I'm sure they won't mind."
And so the Atlas clan and Olympia's friends descended on some poor family's house to get Olympia and Aleki married. We so didn't even ask permission.
Vacation wedding: Expectation.
Vacation wedding: Reality.
Nanny Gandhi is going to really regret his diving technique when he hits the water. This is Austin's other appearance in this chapter, by the way. He mostly managed to behave himself at the wedding.
I'm pretty sure Miko peed in the water near that woman because her bladder bar improved when I wasn't looking and now the lady is mad. Is it too late to pretend she doesn't belong to us?
I kept finding Roman chatting with random women, which I thought was odd because he's never been much of a socialite, and everyone else was either enjoying crashing these peoples' house or swimming in the ocean. Weird.
Anyway, the caterer (who it turns out was the mother of the family that lives here - can you even imagine catering a wedding and the assholes decide to hold it at your house? lol forever) whipped up a nice cake for Olympia and Aleki, now Aleki Atlas, to enjoy their first bite. By the way, when I was dressing them for this, I discovered that the vest of this City Living full body outfit for men matches the embroidered dress and I was absolutely delighted. I don't think I've ever used it before so I had no idea. I was just filtering for yellow. The dress is so Olympia, and Aleki is just weird enough to wear a suit like that to his wedding.
Aww! So cute. Welcome to the family, Aleki.
I finally remembered that Roman is a two-star celebrity and that's why he kept being approached by strangers to sign autographs and stuff. Kind of funny.
With that, a gold medal wedding was achieved and the couple of gen. 2 is all set up to start their family. Thanks for letting us use your house, caterer lady!
The next morning...
Olympia: "Hey babe, have you seen my dad?"
Aleki: "Naw. Come to think of it, was he even on the airplane?"
Oh, geez. For reasons that I'm sure made sense to him, Roman stayed on the beach and didn't travel with the rest of them home, and I didn't even realize until the next morning. I switched control for just a moment to rescue him and bring him home.
He didn't quite make it into bed after that harrowing night on the beach before his time came, though. This room is really racking up its kill count.
Ahem. Anyway, the whole family was there to say goodbye to him. Roman did an absolutely wonderful job getting this ISBI off the ground, and it's really sad to see him go, particularly before his grandchild was born. Thanks for everything, Roman.
This very dark picture is (kind of) showing the final version of the house and the stupid pseudo-mausoleum. I say final because I decided I needed a change of scenery, so Olympia, Aleki, and Miko packed up all of their belongings and we bid farewell to the house.
They found themselves transported to an empty lot on the beach in Sulani. Miko and Olympia may be grieving, but Aleki seems pretty happy about it at least.
And that's the end of the chapter. We got a fair amount of points for the conclusion of raising generation two, but not a whole heck of a lot happened this chapter besides the wedding and a few deaths. However, we're set up for a new house (that I need to build), a baby on the way, and a new generation of the Atlas ISBI. Check back with me soon. I have a lot of pictures already for the next part, and believe me when I tell you that Olympia and Aleki's baby is a stunner! Let's see what beachy keen tomfoolery they can get up to in their new home when we return. In the meantime, check in with me at Boolprop to chat! Thanks for reading. :)
Current Score: 75
Self Wetting/Dirty Diaper : -5 (x3) -15
Pass Out : -5 (x4) -20
Failing School : -5
Negative Traits Earned by NTHs : -5
Accidental Deaths : -10 (x1) -10
Fires : -10 (x2) -20
Social Worker Visit : -15
Single Birth : +5 (x3) +15
Twins : +10
Triplets : +15
Any sim in the household completing Any Aspiration Milestones (Child and Adult): +5 (x5) +25
Any sim in the household completing Aspirations (Child and Adult) : +10 (x2) +20
Toddler Skills maxed by NTH toddlers : +5
Skills (Child and Adult) maxed by NTH family members : +10
NTH children (Child and Teen) earning an A in school : +5 (x6) +25
Positive Traits Earned by NTHs : +5 (x6) +30
NTH sims reaching the top of a career (Teen and YA/A/E) : +10
Randomizing every trait and aspiration for an entire generation : +10 (x1) +10
Not using spares' Satisfaction Reward points for an entire generation : +10 (x1) +10
Every 100,000 simoleons earned : +20
Immortalizing the Torch-Holder : +5 (x1) +5
YAY for points!!! Great job finishing gen 1 and getting gen 2 started.:)